
We now have Obedience and Sports in one class so you can have the fun while learning control, obedience and focus.
OBEDIENCE and Sports in One class
Check out our Sport Dog Skills classes!
Sports can start sooner than you think!
For the dedicated handler and dog teams!
What is Sport Dog Skills?
Often handlers are discouraged by how long it takes to get through the Obedience Levels in order to get to sports. They also don’t always know what sport their dog may end up loving (everyone assumes agility but there are SO many wonderful dog sports out there).
Sports require many skills beyond just Obedience, but without Obedience it’s not that much fun. So instead of waiting, we’ve decided to combine our levels of obedience WITH the foundation skills for sports!
Level 1 is available to any healthy weight dog that’s at least 5 months and has taken Family Manners 1, Puppy Foundations or Just manners. It may be available to those who have taken training in the past with another dog.
It will not be available to dogs struggling with behaviour issues.
We do not cover in home concerns such as structure, crating, potty training, barking or reactivity etc. It is assumed this is all under control. If you still need help with those please look into Family Manners 1.
If you are unsure please reach out.
All levels have testing to move to next level – All class progress dependent on group. Homework and Daily practice are required to be successful in all sports so these classes are no different.
Sport Dog 1 Overview
Loose Leash walking and positioning, Focus games, Shaping, Recall, Stays, Tunnel, Jump, Finish, balance, confidence, mat work, toy time, sending and more!
The Foundations of what sports are covered? Rally-O, Rally-FrEe, Agility, Competitive Obedience, Hoopers.
Sport Dog 2 Overview
Loose Leash walking, Longer recalls, harder stays, slant board, tricks, formal retrieve, 2 by 2 weave, jump style, barrel racing, sending, distraction work, more tricks, start line work, finishes and more!
Foundations of what sports are covered? Rally-O, Rally-FrEe, Agility, Competitive Obedience, Working Rally, Flyball, Hoopers.
Sport Dog 3 Overview
Leash drag or off leash heeling, Reliable recalls in distraction, Right side heeling and sending, Proofing cues and body language, Moving objects, distant sending, out of sight stays, human greetings, figure 8, tricks, switches, pivoting, in motion exercises, drop on recall, stand stay and more if we can fit it into the 8 weeks.
Sport Dog 4 Overview
Review of all levels, adding more distance and quicker responses to our obedience, off leash heeling both left and right side, single cue proofing, sequencing for rally (all), agility and flyball, weaving, backing up, go outs, directed jumping, barrel racing and what ever else we can fit in!
If you are not sure where you fit we have assessment privates available.

Check out Current Schedule and Rates here
Rally-FrEe is a unique sport combining trick behaviors of Canine Musical Freestyle with the format of Rally-Obedience. It emphasizes the precise execution of fundamental freestyle and obedience skills while encouraging creative and novel behaviors on a Rally-Obedience style course.

Rally-FrEe is a fantastic way to create a wonderful and unique bond with your dog. We offer a beginner level and an Open level that would combine multiple levels of handler/ dog teams. Like all Sports Rally-FrEe is challenging and will keep you busy for life! It’s a great low impact sport that even senior or lower energy dogs can take part in. It’s a great sport for retired sports dogs that still need a creative outlet.
This sport doesn’t require equipment so it’s easy to practice daily! Inside or outside.
Students having some fun in class
See the current schedule for dates and Costs
Hoopers is an agility style sport that is low impact to the dog with minimal risk for injury and yet very challenging for the handler.
The goal is to build distance handling using hoops as a ground-level obstacle.
CHC (Canine Hoopers Canada) courses are comprised of hoops, barrels, tunnels and gates.
The summer field hosts outdoor hoopers and in the winter we host indoor beginner hoopers and skills classes.

Sporting Scent Detection

Scent Detection promotes the fun and competitive versions of scent detection using legal scents that are easily purchased at health food stores. The dog must locate a hidden target scent within a certain area and alert the handler to its location. This is a partnership sport, in which both members of the team help one another to perform an efficient and clean search.
Scent will promote confidence in the dog and provide intense mental stimulation. It is also intended to promote a positive, trusting relationship between handler and dog given that the handler must learn to trust in the dog’s superior scenting ability and also to read the subtleties of canine body language.
No equipment purchase required to participate in this class, scent tins will be provided.
Scent has multiple levels and skills you can learn.
Prerequisite – Level 2 Obedience or Sport Dog 2 or Contact for Testing
Duration: 6 weeks – 8 weeks
Refer to schedule for next start date, current costs.
Working Rally
The Working Level is a CARO program. It requires off leash control and the ability of the dog to work under distracting conditions. It combines obedience and Sport Dog exercises. For full rules please see rule book.
Sport Dog 3 (passed) or Level 4 Obedience (not passing allowable)
Exercises Covered


Flyball is offered only rarely at Unleashed. It takes a very focused group of advance students to build a class.
Flyball races match two teams of four dogs each, racing side-by-side over a 51 foot long course. Each dog must run in relay fashion down the jumps, trigger a flyball box, releasing the ball, retrieve the ball, and return over the jumps. The next dog is released to run the course but can’t cross the start/finish line until the previous dog has returned over all 4 jumps and reached the start/finish line. The first team to have all 4 dogs finishes the course without error wins the heat. This class is great for any dog that loves to retrieve or jump. In this class your dog will learn retrieve, jump, turns, balance and obedience.
No equipment purchase required to participate in this class.
Prerequisite Level 4 Obedience unless stated otherwise on schedule
Duration: 4-8 weeks
Refer to upcoming schedule for next start date and current rate.
You MUST complete Multiple levels of classes to participate in FUN-Gility.
Dogs will be welcome to participate when their focus and connection is on only their handler.
If you have schooling elsewhere, please provide
We are a non competitive Agility school. We enjoy the fun and fitness Agility brings. If you would like competitive I would suggest Mccanns or Acton
Private Lessons or Assessments available – See Private lessons page

(FUN)Agility Level One
The Agility 1 class takes the basic skills learned throughout your Sport dog classes and starts applying these skills to individual obstacles – jumps, tunnels and table. Dog and handler teams learn to direct their dogs to the obstacles through body language and gradually start working through 2 and 3 obstacle sequences.
At this level, prep work is begun for the contact obstacles – teeter, dog walk and A-frame.
Agility Level 2
After the prep work is done through Agility one, we get into the technical stuff, more handling skills, jump sequences, larger equipment equipment, weaving and much MUCH more!
Outdoor Agility – Posted in house for current students only. Run seasonally.
Water Training
Water training provides an excellent conditioning activity for your adventure loving dog. It offers ways to exercise your dog without too much demand on the dog’s body. The time shared and the positive teamwork stimulates a great relationship between you and your dog. Water tasks include retrieving, boat work, underwater toy submerge, scent searches and dock diving. This class is for any dog who loves the water or a dog that is a beginner and may not know how to swim. This class is offers land training and in the water training.
You are required to have your own Water Toy (Bumper) for your dog to participate in this class.
Duration: Varies
Cost: Varies
Refer to schedule for next start date.
**Available only in the summer months

Treibball (pronounced Try-ball) is a new competitive dog sport for dogs of all ages and sizes. It is great fun for any energetic dog that can learn to work well off-leash, loves to play fetch games, and loves to herd or who just needs a job. Treibball is a positive, fun sport that builds a great working relationship between owner and dog. The object of the game is for the dog to drive eight fitness balls, which are placed in the middle of a field, into a soccer-style goal within a ten-minute time period. The dog moves the balls under the direction of a handler who remains relatively stationary in the goal.
In this class your dog will learn directions cues, drive cues, balance, working away from the handler and use of their shoulder or nose. Treibball is similar to retrieving but taking it to the next level.
You are required to have your own exercise ball that is an appropriate size for your dog to participate in this class.
Refer to schedule for rates and next start date.
Canine Fitness

We often think because our dogs are fast paced that their fitness is in check. I mean, they are fast, and can go for longer than we typically can, but is everything in alignment, is everything working as it should.
This class can help the dog to really understand it’s body awareness. It can help show you where some weaknesses may be and help to work those areas to get them into tip top shape.
It’s not always about speed, there’s so much more to their bodies and getting them prepared for anything sporty we throw at them.
This class requires you to make up a few pieces of equipment for practicing at home.
Don’t miss it