Positive and Fun Obedience Classes
At Unleashed we thrive to always be learning and educating ourselves in order to better serve you. Our classes change all the time to keep things interesting and fun for our students.
If there’s a course you are interested in, don’t hesitate to sign up because you may not see it on the schedule again for a while!

Training Tool Tip – We are an fear free school and so are our programs. If you are currently using a training collar (prong, martingale, starmark) you are welcome to still take part in our Family Manners One, but we will not be using corrections, and we will happily be showing you why you no longer need it. By Level 2 you should be working on a flat, martingale or halti/gentle leader
Acceptable tools- Flat Collar, Harness, martingale or slip lead (at times where required), Gentle Leader/halti, Muzzle
E-Collars – Never acceptable in our classes. But of course happy to help you work towards removing them.
Goal – Off leash capable by level 4 “Unleashed”
Motivators we use – Food, Toys, play and tricks
Puppy Social
Where it all begins
Well-socialized puppies usually develop into safer, more relaxed and enjoyable pet dogs. This is because they’re more comfortable in a wider variety of situations than poorly socialized dogs, so they’re less likely to behave fearfully or aggressively when faced with something new.
Learning Bite inhibition, bounce back, play style, and much much more.
First timers, and different sized dogs are separated to safely observe until it’s certain they are ready, confident and safe to interact. Not all puppies interact on their first day, not all puppies play at all. Observation and new exposure is the benefit most here.
Age 8-20 weeks.

Puppy Classes
New puppy parents have questions, so we want to spend time together providing a base of home structure and in class learning, we have 4, 5 week or a more in depth 6 week foundations course that will include some early steps in obedience.
Different lengths of classes may be added based on season and time of year (example a shorter course may be added to finish before Christmas break)
Regardless of which puppy class you end up in, we will provide you with ways to prevent issues before they even come up, while providing class exposure to work on important socializing beyond puppy playtime. This includes exercises like crate games, capturing good behaviours, preventing jumping, structure, desensitization, games and if there’s time some socializing with the other puppies in the room.
Attend any class even before puppy arrives home at our reduced cost; being prepared is half the battle!
Puppies age 8 weeks to 5ish months

Virtual Level 1
Looking for training but don’t have a way to get to us? We provide virtual classroom time. We have a class minimum. When the class minimum is reached we will start up a class at a time that works for everyone. Classes will be 45 mins.
Sound like something you’re interested in? Please Reach out!
Cost- $250 for the 8 week program.
Ensure you have decent internet and a space to work your dog while taking part.

Family Manners Level 1
Level 1
8 weeks
4.5 (ish) Months to and Healthy Senior or new rescue!
It’s not about a list of behaviors your dog can offer you in your home, it’s about a strong bond, a tranquil family life and a happy home.
Family manners is the foundation to start building bonds and learning to communicate with one another.
It is for dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds.
Dogs in this class will learn crating, door way desensitization, potty training, foundation skills for loose leash walking, recalls, stays, and much more while learning the hardest thing of all, focusing their attention on their handler in a positive way. This class is not designed to make your dog bomb proof. Plan to commit to more than just one level of obedience to give your dog the best chance at being the pet you dream of. Up after that, level 2!

*NEW* Manners for the Whole Family!
We want the whole family involved, but sometimes our regular curriculum and speed of the classes doesn’t work with the family, so we’ve decided to add a class that provides exercises most requested by families as well as an opportunity for the child to take part as well.
Starter level Manners! Learn foundation skills such as place/settle, drop it, recalls, sit & down, focus, body language and greetings/jumping up. This course is fully supported with additional lifestyle lessons on topics such as crate training, grooming, and preventing nuisance behaviours.
6 weeks of content with an assessment at the end.
Dogs 4.5 months or anything older.
Each class is 40 minutes.
Children Age 8-12 (ish) (beyond this age range will be case by case)
FAQ for this class.
You will handle your dog. Your family will be provided one dummy dog for the child(ren) to work with as well in a separate area. Safety is always our number one goal so be sure the child is ready and willing to want to take part.
At the end of the 7 weeks the child and you will be tested. So practice amongst the family is paramount.
If more than one child wants to take part but you find it too hard through out the course you can alternate who comes each week. Managing a dog and children can be tough we want to do our best to help you so training can stay accessible to you.

Level 2 Family Manners
In this class you will learn more about loose leash walking and start problem solving about what to do when it goes wrong while challenging yourself and your dog by working in distraction. These exercises involve more distraction including: people, toys, food and other dogs. You will work on long stays with distance, recalls and finishes, along with some fun games. Plus we will be working on real life situations with greeting people, other dogs and learning your dog’s behavior. This is a perfect class to improve your obedience after Level 1 and start using those skills in a more distracting environment.
Duration: 8 weeks
Refer to upcoming schedule for costs next start date.

Family Manners 3
Level 2 Obedience is a prerequisite to sign up for level 3 Obedience or contact for testing
This is the class you will start to learn off leash heeling while building trust in harder situations with harder distractions. Focusing on your timing and proper rewarding when needed. We will focus on recalls (the most important command). You will work on more difficult stays, hand signals from a distance, providing more clarity in your positions by using shaping games and so much more. If you are wanting sports like flyball, or Rally level 1, this is your class!
Duration: 8 weeks
Refer to upcoming schedule for next start date.

Family Manners 4
FM Level 3 Obedience is a pre-requisite
This is the class you will be mainly off leash heeling with your dog. These exercises involve lots of distraction including: people, toys, food and other dogs. You polish off long stays with distance, hand signals, shaping, tricks, and out of sight exercises. All with the goal of no longer needing a leash or any training aid in place. Advance offers some fun too, such as jumping, retrieving and games for your dog. There is some much to learn in this class and it is a great challenge for the handler and their dog. You will leave this class with an obedient dog and having the knowledge of how to handle your dog in any situation on or off leash. This is a great class for dogs who need a refresher in obedience if he’s been a while!
Duration: 8 weeks
Refer to upcoming schedule for next start date.

Rally Obedience All Levels (CARO)
Level 2 Obedience is a pre-requisite to sign up for Novice Rally
Level 4 Obedience needed for Advance Rally + or contact for testing
Rally Obedience challenges handlers and dogs in a partnership that improves heeling and teamwork. The ability to work as a team during a Rally performance, the handler’s ability to maintain the dog’s attention and attitude at a high level are all challenges. This, along with variability incorporated into course designs and formats, creates a fast moving continuous performance. In the course you will perform individual signs that could include as many as 22 signs in a course. This class is for handlers who want to progress in obedience and improve on teamwork with their dog and learn different routines. Whether you are interested in going to a Rally Trial or doing this class for fun, Rally offers obedience and accepts of agility skilled exercises.
Duration: 8 weeks
Cost: see schedule
Refer to upcoming schedule for next start date.
Fenzi Teams
Teams is a titling program that focuses on excellent training progression for obedience! Each OB TEAM level adds complexity for the dog-handler team, presenting them with a wide range of interesting skills to master right from the start. There’s no reason to hold back on training for distractions, distance work or jumping while teaching your dog to heel!
TEAM is an acronym for “Training Excellence Assessment Modules,” which perfectly describes our goal: a progression-oriented titling program that emphasizes excellence in training from the earliest foundation levels through to complex competition exercises.
Read more about it here
Level 3 Obedience Required. (not passed) All positive program