Most new handlers have the same questions so we’ve done our best to address them all here.
If they aren’t covered we are happy to help out!

We are a small staff of two that work very hard to bring the best to our students in class, sometimes we don’t always get to our desks every day. Thank you for your patience!

We look forward to working with you.


Frequently Asked Questions

1When is my puppy ready to join classes?
For formal obedience you can start any time you like.   To get the most out of it it's best to wait until they are between 4 and 5 months.  However, you can start prior to that if you'd like and then test when you feel ready to move up to the next level. It's always up to you as the handler to make the final choices. On the flip side of that, take some time to enjoy your puppy and allow them the freedom to explore things in a positive care free way. Starting training early isn't always in the dogs best interest. you got a puppy to have a puppy! They wont be a land shark forever!
2When are your next lessons starting?
Here is our  upcoming Schedule Our schedule is always changing and evolving to keep things fun and interesting. We don't plan beyond what you see posted. Our classes are based on demand.
3Can I bring my family members as well?
This is TBD for each specific class you sign up for. If there is space we can allow for up to two handlers. The are exceptions to every rule but our facility is small and we want each student to feel heard.
4Can I bring my children?
CHILDREN IN CLASS We allow family members 2 total per dog. In some cases this can be children. To protect the safety of everyone in class, canines and humans alike, please follow the below guidelines:  Children must be under parental control at all times.  Parents must supervise their children during the entire class.  No running, jumping, or yelling will be permitted.  Since not all dogs are comfortable around or friendly toward children, children should be instructed to never approach or pet any other dog in class. If a child is being disruptive to the class or instruction you will be asked to leave for that session.
5When can I do Sports Classes?
Different sports require different prerequisites.   This is for safety reasons.  Some sports require dogs to be off leash while class is going on so your dog must be mentally mature enough to stay with you while other dogs are working around them. Please review the classes offered and it will usually let you know what prior schooling is required. If you are not sure please reach out!
6How do I sign up?
Our Schedule is a direct link to the sign up as well.
7How do I pay?
Payment is through Credit card or cash/etransfer in advance. Please contact if this is an issue and we can help resolve it.
8How long is each session?
Classes range anywhere from 4-10 week sessions, most classes are 45 mins to an hour a week, with the exception of Puppy Social which are 35 minutes.
9What if my dog is aggressive?
Our family manners is offered as a virtual class if it's needed. Please reach out for an assessment so we can decide what's best. Most dogs are not actually aggressive, just reactive to being restricted by the leash with unclear guidance from it. We are very pro muzzle. No dog should be left out of the classroom just because they have learned to use their mouths to communicate. Muzzles can prevent nervous energy from the handler and any potential issues that could have arose. We periodically run reactive dog classes and desensitization sessions. Please contact if you need more info on this. Severe cases should be working with a Certified behaviourist. Training obedience can come later.
10What if I miss a class?
If you can not attend a class please let us know. You will be provided the homework in written and video for (where possible). There are no free make up classes, privates can be booked at the Current student rate if needed. With the exception of Sport Dog programs, our sessions are designed with enough repetition that you should not fall behind if you miss a week but still practice through the week.
11What if my dog is sick or just had surgery?
If the dog is sick/injured or recovering from surgery you will still attend the class without the dog to gain the first hand information.
12Can I send someone else if I can't make it?
If the new handler has been working along side with you and your dogs progress then it may have some benefits. Training is more of a human learning experience first. If the handler doesn't have a clear understanding of what they are doing it can be damaging to your progress and very difficult on the dog. Please contact us and let us know who is coming if you are switching handlers and ensure they know all of the exercises to date.