Pay What You Can Classes

Offering in class options accessable to everyone.

We very much believe that basic training taught in a positive way should be accessible to everyone.

If finances are what’s stopping you from signing up for classes we want to help.

We are offering a Handlers choice basic foundations class for this term. What that means is upon sign up you will select two of the basic needs you would like covered. Everyone else will also select their needs. This is the best way to fast track you to what you need most out of the training.

Here are your options

Saturdays 9:15am – Class will begin when enrollment is reached

All classes are 40 minutes
6 Weeks 

Value for this course is $254.25.
The amount you pay is up to you and what you feel you can afford at this time.
We do not have any specific eligibility criteria for our pay what you can program.
If the pay what you can discount makes the difference between you being able to train or not, USE IT.  This assistance is designed to make training possible for you, but is not meant simply as a “discount.”
Please be mindful that if you choose a lower cost option than you need, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial assistance. We want to provide for as many families as we can. 
Thank you for using the honor system when you choose the amount you can afford, so we can support our community designed with you and your needs in mind. 
There are no free make up classes but homework will be provided each week.

Please forward your payments to